Emerging remote sensing technologies for real-time support of navigation safety in harbour areas
NAVSAFETY: Emerging remote sensing technologies for real-time support of navigation safety in harbour areas has as main purpose develop innovative monitoring technologies, in almost real time, for harbour inlets. The developed system collects sea bottom data as bathymetric indicators and local hydrodynamics, namely, physical parameters like wave height, wave period, predominant direction and tide height. The NAVSAFETY project, by using remote sensing technologies and innovative image processing methodologies, enables make available information for a wide range of ocean wave conditions, including extreme (storm) events, conditions for which maritime safety issues become particularly pertinent.
Development of innovative remote sensing solutions, namely systems that aims estimate hydro-morphologic coastal parameters.
Supporting activities related to fishing and providing port entities with the necessary knowledge to better manage maritime traffic in safe conditions.
It presents a set of observed and estimated data concern with observed and estimated parameters, such as tides, waves, wind and local and regional bathymetric indicators, suitable for various user profiles.
Estimation of useful indicators for safety maritime traffic in harbour inlets:
Contribution to better manage maritime traffic in safe conditions in harbour inlets, according with the estimation of some hydro-morphologic indicators, in almost real time mode, as the sea bottom depths and local wave parameters, through an operational service, supported by emerging technologies.
Optimization of the management of dredging operations:
Contribute to the knowledge of sand bars dynamics in the areas surrounding harbours, anticipating sand accumulations in inlets and avoiding emergency dredging emergency interventions at the harbour inlets, more expensive and with inherent maritime traffic.
Tiago Abreu, S. Fernández-Fernández, P. Baptista, Paulo A. Silva
Santos Ferreira
Fábio Santos
Ana Rita Freitas
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro